house & home



chef me

It’s any given weeknight, and the dreaded 5 o’clock hour has rolled around, and with that comes the question (and task)… what’s for dinner? If you’re like me this task is probably the most daunting part of the day. I used to love to cook. I always wanted to be in the kitchen growing up. I was ever my father’s sous chef, tasting as we went and making his best dishes. I thought this would continue in married life and motherhood. Boy, was I wrong! I still love to cook, I still want to be cooking, but the days with three toddlers don’t leave much motivation for gourmet meals. – Juliana

Enter the crockpot (my stove alternative) and air fryer (air fryer goodness)- my personal sous chefs!!!! We have just become a two activity household this fall, and with three nights of the week being out late for practices, I needed to rethink dinners. My children like what they like so I try to stick with those, and throw in the occasional wild card, in hopes they enjoy it and go with me on the “your taste buds are changing” line I feed them, lol! Here’s a little rundown on some of our weekly dinners-

Pizza Night– it’s safe, it’s delicious, and if I’m feeling froggy- it’s a fun recipe my kids can help prepare with me. I swear by this recipe- The Best Pizza Dough Recipe. It is literally called the best pizza dough recipe, and for good reason- we gobble it up every. dang. time! Add some mozzarella with your favorite sauce (can or homemade). We are big fans of Rao’s sauce (get saucy) but have mixed it up, and ahh chef’s kiss! This easy dough will not disappoint!

Tacos– my kids prefer the ground beef option, but for practice nights chicken in the crockpot with taco seasoning makes for less work! I have tried the ground beef in the crock pot, but for whatever reason I think it’s just meant to be browned in the pan. I usually serve this with a side of rice! I like to delay start my rice cooker so it is ready about the time we get home. Pan heat the tortillas, add the meat, cheese, and sour cream (our house special, plus salsa for mama) and you’ve got it made in the shade.

Nuggets and Mac– I never thought I would be a Kraft mac and cheese girl, but here I am. Air fryer nuggets take the cake with only 8 minutes cook time, and the mac cooking is only seven so everything is ready all at once! Which is something I strive for. If I am feeling fancy (read: pregnant) I will drizzle some BBQ or Chick-Fil-a Polynesian and mix in cut up nuggets to satisfy this mama bear’s hunger, ha!

These are just some of meals I make each week for our family, but you better believe I utilize the air fryer for breakfast and the occasional lunch as well. With motherhood, and even wifehood, surviving not thriving reigns supreme in this particular season. Don’t be too hard on yourself, give yourself grace, and throw those nuggets and pizza bagels in the dang air fryer as often as you need!!!

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We’re three sisters and a whole lot of babies trying to find the little treasures in the everyday. We share links and thinks that make life a little bit easier or a little more beautiful… or to add a little laugh or two rightttt when you need one the most. That’s usually about 4-7pm around here. #iykyk Come hang with us!

ps. about the name- well, mix up late night texts, 2/3 overthinking it, a few cups of naptime hustle, + wanting to talk about everything and nothing all at the same time. Say a prayer, hope for the best, and throw in that our dad always called us his treasures. Here we are.

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